Thursday, May 29, 2014

Bunker Raking Training

Now that the bunker renovation is complete, the maintenance staff spent the afternoon in a training session regarding bunker maintenance. Daniel (Equipment Manager) installed necessary tools to improve the efficiency of bunker maintenance. The bunker rake machine consists of a shovel (this is necessary for wash or contamination), hand rake (for interior edges), backpack blower (blow debris/grass clippings) and a rubber mat (entrance and exit of the bunker rake machine). The bunker raking process consists of: Blowing unwanted material located in and around the bunker, remove any contamination (clay or dirt) from the sand if necessary, apply the rubber mat before entering the bunker, rake the bunker as smooth as necessary, rake the interior edge based on the length of the hand rake designated by the tape on the handle (depth of raked edge), place rake inside the bunker as the co-worker rakes the edges, remove the mat and rake the area where the mat was located. These steps will ensure the bunkers are properly maintained. Proper and frequent training is necessary to sustain the integrity of the bunkers. Below are pictures of the training session.