We have reached a goal set forth on January 1 of this year. The goal was to be single digits, plus/minus, with our equipment preventative maintenance program. This is very important as our equipment has relatively aged throughout the fleet. Daniel Reavis (Equipment Manager) has done a remarkable job in making sure the equipment is to standard regarding operation and safety. We (Golf Course Superintendent and Equipment Manager) meet on a daily basis to discuss future and current preventative maintenance work orders. This communication is necessary in achieving goals, providing the maintenance staff the ability to work with the tools they need and complete the tasks on the golf course and grounds. We will set a new goal for 2015 to be as close to 0% as possible. Each year we want to set the standard of perfection. Obtaining these goals builds a sense of accomplishment for Daniel and the maintenance staff. No matter how old your equipment maybe, a strong preventative maintenance program can give you the opportunity for excellence and impactful results on the golf course.