Many times the true measure of the Stimp Meter (the measurement for green speeds) isn't accurate. Our greens are very undulating. Many areas contain 3%-5% slope. Maintaining adequate speeds in relation to slope and golfer handicap can be difficult. Our green speeds are usually in the 10.5 - 11.5 range. Speeds above these measurements limit the playability of the golfer and location of the pins. Below you will see a graph that measures the limitations of greens speed in relation to greens slope. This graph displays the difficulties of high Stimp Measurements to the percentage of slope. Based on this graph and our undulating greens, we should be between 9 and 10. Based on the overall view of the membership and discussions with the Greens Committee, we have considered 11 as a good measurement for green speeds at Brookstone Golf & Country Club. The videos below are on #10 and #13. The first video represents the flattest area on a green throughout the golf course. The second video represents the true undulations on the greens.
The Stimp measured a 10 that day.
IMG 3385 from
Joey Franco on
IMG 3388 from
Joey Franco on