Friday, April 24, 2015

Drill & Fill

The Golf Course Maintenance Staff has been very busy this week. We finally received some DRY weather. Tees, Fairways and Approaches were double cut throughout the golf course. We were also able to mow the rough on 6 holes. Below are some pictures from the Drill & Fill process. The first picture is the machine Southeastern Maintenance used to Drill & Fill. They used 3 machines and completed the 6 greens in about 4.5 hours. The second picture is a great example in differentiating between a regular core aerification and the Drill & Fill process. The channels of sand will improve drainage, turfgrass growth and the longevity of the putting surfaces. The holes should recover in about 2 weeks. There are some videos of the process under Golf Course Related Videos. Please view the video and you can see the process.