The Golf Course Maintenance Staff was very busy on Monday. Even though we had an outing, we were able to accomplish many tasks. One of these was to aerify certain areas of the greens. These areas are high traffic, contain reduced surface and interior drainage and a little behind with the rest of the greens. We are going to keep the holes open for air exchange (release of CO2 and intake of Oxygen). We also began solid tining the tees. We plan to complete the tees this week and start on the fairways and approaches. Our initial plan was to aerify (pull cores) in April, but due to the heavy amounts of precipitation and the fertilizer application today, there wasn't enough time to pull cores. There was no reason to pull cores after the fertilizer application and lose the fertilizer for the golf course. We will core aerify the tees, fairways and approaches in July, before our next fertilizer application.