Friday, May 1, 2015

Golf Course Update

The weather has finally turned in our favor. The forecast is very promising with warmer temperatures and no rain. We have been very busy on the golf course over the last several days. Some of the tasks completed: landscape tunnel #12, several mowings throughout the golf course (Tees, Fairways, Approaches & Roughs). There have been many questions regarding aerification. We had planned to aerify the fairways before our fertilizer application May 5, 2015. Unfortunately due to the weather, we haven't been able to implement this important cultural practice. We are going to implement a different approach. Next week we are going to start solid tining areas throughout the golf course that are a little behind. These include tees, approaches and fairways. Another focal point is to aerify (very small tines) certain perimeter areas of the greens. The weather next week is very promising for growth. This  time last year we didn't come close to 80 degrees. There will be a significant difference in turf quality over the next couple of weeks.